2014 CB1100 DLX | Customer’s Place

Your Name(Nickname), Country Jeff Cory (Flytech99 on CB1100 Forum) – United States
Vehicle(Model) 2014 CB1100 DLX
What have you bought here 2016 EX Special Edition Tank (Titanium Blade Metallic/Darkness Black Metallic), Chic Design Road Comet 1 Fairing (Titanium Blade Metallic/Darkness Black Metallic/Smoke Windscreen), OE Front & Rear Fenders (custom painted Darkness Black Metallic), OE Side Covers (Darkness Black Metallic), Type II Handlebars, Honda OE Heated Grips
Opinions and comments for the products Samurider is the BEST source for genuine Honda and quality aftermarket parts for the CB1100. Fit and finish on everything was perfect and I’m very pleased with the bike’s transformation. Takashi’s customer service and communication are first class and his knowledge on what can and can’t be done to the CB1100 is second to none. Not to mention, delivery was fast!
Customer's Place


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